Seeking the Creative: Tanner Fleury, Artist and Designer
How would you describe your art in three words?
Innovative, unconventional, unique.

Where/how do you gather inspiration?
I gather inspiration from specific emotions and stories. Every piece I make, before I even start sketching, I come up with a story. What do I want to tell? What emotions do I want to evoke? Then after I figure out the direction, I write a poem, solidifying the message I want to convey. I love to write, so coming up with these poems helps to drive me to be even more passionate about what I’m creating.

What do you hope audiences retain from your work?
A lot of my fashion designs are done with unconventional materials, and I hope by seeing my work, it can showcase to people how any material can be used to create something beautiful, and inspire people to start creating.

Instagram: @fleurxarts
Instagram: @fleurxmakeup