Seeking the Creative: Isabella Obradovich, Illustrator
How would you describe your art in three words?
Colorful, happy, and expressive.

For roughly 4 years now, young artist Isabella Obradovich, from McLean, Virginia, has been producing pieces rich in color and creativity. The aspiring art teacher does not shy away from the extent of her imagination, as her art is unapologetically unique and bold. Her creations feature realistic portrayals of human faces surrounded and decorated with rainbow color schemes, cultivating a kaleidoscopic aesthetic. Isabella creates with the intention of inspiring viewers to express themselves however they please and to embrace their individuality; a message well received when viewing the up and coming artist’s work.
Where/how do you gather inspiration?
From my experiences and from the internet! Websites like Instagram and Pinterest are great.
What do you hope audiences retain from your work?
That it is ok to be yourself and express yourself however you choose!

Curated and written by Brynn O’Connor
Instagram: @isabella.drawsss
TikTok: @isabella.drawsss