AMM Inspiration: Elon Musk
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, was interviewed by Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience. He said he had disconnected his Facebook and Instagram accounts while keeping Twitter as a way to communicate. Musk notes, “On social media, people look like they’re having a better life than they really do. They modify pictures to look perfect. Then others say, why am I not that happy? I must suck!” Joe chimed in with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth president of the United States. What Teddy said way back then still holds true: “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
And for the future, Elon shared a strong warning on Joe’s podcast: “Artificial intelligence is already part of social media and will grow. The percentage of high level intelligence until now were humans. In the future intelligence particularly artificial intelligence will be far greater than humans. One thing is for sure, we will not control artificial intelligence.” Joe Rogan’s conclusion? He said, “We, as humans, will be looking at artificial intelligence as if it is a god, and we will beg, ‘We just want to go back!’ “
Elon has warned President Obama and Congress about the dangers of artificial intelligence. His advice was pretty much ignored. So, now Elon says, “If you can’t beat them, then join them.”36 Though he thinks artificial intelligence is dangerous, he started a company called Neuralink, proving Musk is willing to go along for a profit. Neuralink’s goal is to blend technology and the human brain.
Joe Rogan, in his interview with Musk, questioned where technology may be taking us as a society:
The future is a combination of biology (living things) and electronics (technology). We are already using AI in phones; now imagine what you can do with your phone you could do with your brain just by thinking . . . We may be living in virtual reality in the future, where you can’t tell what’s real and what’s not real. Maybe our desire to keep moving forward with technology will one day be the downfall of mankind. If an outsider would look at humans, they would easily conclude we are a flawed system . . . lies, cheats, wars, and more. To an artificial intelligence, we may be so flawed it would want to get rid of us.
Joe Rogan, Interview with Elon Musk
Jerry Gladstone is the author of the International Best Selling Book The Common Thread of Overcoming Adversity and Living Your Dreams. Jerry is a success and life coach as well as a corporate speaker.
Reprinted courtesy of Arts Management Magazine