Seeking the Creative: Allie Stabile, Painter
How would you describe your art in three words?
Graphic, Chaotic, Textured.

Where/how do you gather inspiration?
I gather inspiration from my immediate environment, which is currently Brooklyn, NY. I am inspired by the many types of infrastructure that are present (trains, bridges, buses) and the materials I observe on billboards and the worn exteriors of buildings.
What do you hope audiences retain from your work?
I hope audiences retain how the materials present in my work reiterate the cityscape of New York, and how their placement indicates discrepancies between different neighborhoods and territories. I am originally from Carlisle, PA which is a particularly rural area, and this has influenced how I view the grid to function both in rural and urban environments. I feel that by using the grid to displace underlying gestures and forms that symbolize the individual, I point out how the distribution of material resources affect a landscape’s social development.

Curated by KhaHan Tran
Instagram: @astabilestabile